Fixing Feature 'XXX' for list template '101' Error

By James|11/07/2011|

When attempting to view Site Settings -> Content and Structure the following error message is displayed:

Feature 'b4035181-c389-4403-9db5-42ccd9c18530' for list template '101' is not installed in this farm. The operation could not be completed.

List template 101 is a predefined SharePoint template for a document library. As such, this error will also be displayed when attempting to open up a document library that is missing a feature. If a feature has recently been retracted from the farm, reinstalling it should fix the problem.

If this is not the case, then removing the offending document library will resolve the issue. Open up each document library in the site until you receive the error. SharePoint Designer can then be used to access the document library and move/copy files. Remove the document library that is causing the error. Problem resolved.

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